Career Opportunities

EREA provides career opportunities under the following categories:

  • Contract Staff
  • Seconded NRI Experts
  • Trainees

Contract Staff

The contract staff is categorised as Administrative staff, Executive, and experts. EREA attracts staff from the member countries who serve on contractual basis for a specific period of time. The period is specified in the HR Manual.

Seconded NRIs  Experts

EREA from time to time will be engaging seconded staff from the NRIs in our member countries to work temporarily for the Secretariat under the existing rules and procedures applicable for such experts. These experts may be called upon to carry out tasks as assigned by the EXCO and under the rules of the host country.


Capacity building is one of our EREA’s objectives. The trainee positions are therefore provided to University and college graduates to enable them to acquire relevant technical and operational experience to cement the knowledge they have acquired during their studies. This initiative is available depending on the availability of space and under the existing immigration rules. During this period, the trainee will be required to undertake specific tasks as guided by the lead technical expert in the respective working group.

Current Opportunities

Applications clearly indicating the position applied for should be sent directly to the following address:

Executive Secretary
EREA Secretariat
8th Floor of NSSF Mafao House, Old Moshi Road;
P.o. Box 1669 Arusha.
