There is great emphasis on energy access in Africa, and many projects are currently being rolled out. These programs include expansion of infrastructure, increased generation of electricity, harmonisation of regulatory frameworks, exploration of Oil and cross-border energy trade.
The workforce in the energy sector has not experienced a sizeable number of women taking significant roles in spearheading energy development. Recently, it has emerged that indeed women, who are taking the lead in the business are performing exemplary. However, the percentage of women in the labour force is mostly scanty.
Therefore, a gender lens approach to energy development is vital, especially for emerging nations, to realise economic benefits and deepening energy access. Increasing the employment and advancement of women in infrastructure organisations is a win-win proposition.
The webinar brings together women energy leaders in Africa to discuss the opportunities for women in the energy sector value chain as well as explore women empowerment.
The panel includes:
Opening remarks: HE. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid – Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy -African Union Commission
Speaker 1: Eng. Ziria Tibalwa Waako – Chief Executive Officer-Electricity Regulatory Authority, Uganda and EREA Executive Council Member
Speaker 2:Eng. Angela Nalikka- Manager, National and Regional Power Systems-African Development Bank
Speaker 3: Dr. Sudeshna Ghosh- Practice Manager, Africa Market-The World Bank
The webinar is moderated by Ms. Leah Hadidah Jara-(EREA-Legal Portfolio Committee) and Senior Legal Council-Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority(EPRA), Kenya.